Covington Construction Site Accidents

Every day at least two construction workers die from fatal injuries as a result of workplace accidents somewhere in the United States, and as many as one in five work-related fatalities in the country are related to construction site accidents.

Despite the many efforts on the part of construction companies to deal with site safety, construction accidents continue to occur because of the nature of the work.

Because there are different types of systems in place in the case of an accident on construction site occurrence, it is advisable to seek the advice and assistance of an experienced construction accident lawyer to analyze the duties and legal responsibilities of those involved in the construction project.   Those who may be at fault include:

  • Construction site owner
  • General and sub-contractors
  • Prime contractors
  • Engineers and architects
  • Construction equipment manufacturers
  • Insurers

In cases involving construction accidents, it is important for victims to contact a construction accident lawyer who specializes in aggressively evaluating the reasons for the accident, and to pursue their right to seek compensation for losses due to construction injuries.

Call us to actively evaluate your rights as an accident victim in Covington.

Covington Construction Accidents


Falls represent the most common and most preventable causes of construction injuries in on-site construction accidents such as:

  • Scaffolding accidents
  • Falls from ladders
  • Elevator and service shaft incidents
  • Falls involving cranes
  • General building site accidents

With the expertise of our construction accident lawyer, we passionately represent victims of construction site accidents by working aggressively to acquire fair compensation for personal injuries.

Because there are many entities that may be involved or at fault for construction site accidents, it is essential to acquire the services and expertise of a professional construction accident lawyer that understands the losses affecting victims with construction injuries.

If you are the victim of an accident on construction site occurrence in the Covington area, call us today for personal injury representation.

Covington Construction Accident Lawyer


We are an experienced law firm since 1960 representing injured clients, including construction accidents, with the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the entire legal process of construction site accidents.

In seeking fair compensation for personal injuries, our construction accident lawyer will:

  • Conduct a full investigation of contracts
  • Review on-site safety plans
  • Conduct interviews with witnesses and construction experts
  • Interview construction site management
  • Negotiate or litigate for fair compensation

Discussing your case with a construction accident attorney who is experienced in construction injury law and construction accidents is the best means of ensuring your success.

For victims of construction site accidents it is vitally important to seek legal advice sooner rather than later to ensure a thorough site investigation as soon as possible following injury.

Call Ladenburg McKasy Durkin Inc. P.S. to review your claim by experienced construction accident lawyers serving Covington residents.  (253) 272-5226