If you want to drive in Washington State, car insurance is mandatory. Your insurance policy covers property damage and bodily harm in case of a collision. But if you’ve ever actually in a collision, you might have discovered that getting your insurance company to pay what’s fair isn’t always easy.
Today we want to cover some common insurance disputes that could arise when you file a claim.
Refusal to pay medical benefits
Your Personal Injury Protection coverage on your own auto insurance policy should cover your initial medical bills. If your insurance companies denies or delays coverage, this can be distressing and add to mounting financial pressures.
Excessive delay in paying benefits
One tactic insurance companies may take is to delay communications. Having to constantly follow up can be frustrating.
Poor communication with your insurance adjustor
There are many ways that an insurance company could cause frustration through poor communication. You may get the run-around from your adjustor or get passed from adjustor to adjustor. Other times, they may speak quickly or not explain the process fully.
Forcing you to litigate to obtain contract benefits
When your insurance company does not negotiate with you in good faith, it may force you to file a lawsuit in order to get them to pay what you’re owed. (Often, this will need to involve the help of a car accident attorney.)
Unreasonable investigation of your claims
Sometimes, an insurance company will try to throw your claim into question entirely. They may attempt to investigate the validity of your claim to dismiss it. Some of these tactics may feel invasive or unfair. For instance, we’ve heard of companies hiring private investigators to follow accident victims.
Involving a Personal Injury Attorney
If you run into any of these issues, we recommend that you reach out to our injury attorneys. We deal with insurance-related claims every day. We understand how the insurance companies will try to delay and deny your claims.
It’s always free to call us for a consultation. Plus, we only charge a fee if we’re able to win you a settlement. To get started, call us or use the contact form on our website.