Pedestrian v. Grocery Store

Winco photos 1


Mike McKasy just settled a case for a client against Winco Foods, a warehouse grocery store operation in Renton, Washington. The store serves over 6,000 customers per day and is open 24 hours a day.

The main exit walkway had a small area that was ripped up for repair and the partially completed project was left without any warnings or protective barriers for exiting customers.

Our client was exiting the store at 10:30 p.m. and fell in the hole in the walkway, severely injuring her knee. Our client was a 6th grade school teacher, and after having surgery on the knee, was left with residual problems in the joint. Winco and the paving company responsible for the job, Emerald Paving, agreed to settle the claim for $90,000.

Our Tacoma Law Firm specializes with clients that have received an accident or injury on a  pedestrian walk-way or on dangerous and defective property in all of Tacoma and the Puget Sound region.

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Articles: 35